Reading group

Do you enjoy discussing literature and would be interested in expanding your knowledge of what is available? You can do this by attending our fortnightly book sharing group where we take in turns introducing a favourite book of ours to the rest of the group with a brief synopsis of the book and why we enjoyed it so much.

The Reading Group meets fortnightly around Annie DRURY on Tuesdays from 10am until noon in the AIKB Library. You need to be an AIKB member to participate.

3 Euros per person.

What happened during the last reading sessions...

Children's literature

The Reading Group: Children's literature (2/2)

Our Readers' Group hosted a new member yesterday,…

Children's literature

The Reading Group: Children's literature (1/2)

The next Reading Group session will take place to…

Sans titre

The Reading & Writing Groups: a good start for this new season

The Reading Group was re-started on 17th Septembe…