Drop-in afternoons

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The AIKB drop-in afternoon sessions are an idea from Dale FRITH. They were formed to assist those who feel isolated, living in rural areas. People can meet informally to play table top games and chat over a cuppa and biscuits.

These sessions are being held fortnightly, on Thursdays from 2pm until 4pm in the Salle Polyvalente in Gouarec during the autumn and winter months (September to April). In the summer, they are being replaced by the garden visits.

The AIKB drop-in afternoons are open to all, no need to be an AIKB member to participate. 3 Euros per person.



An overview of the drop-in afternoons activities

Le Telegramme   31.10.2024   photo only

The AIKB drop-in afternoons - Article in the Telegramme - 31.10.2024

Le Telegramme 31.10.2024 Le Telegramme 31.10.…