On October 26th, the Art and Textiles Group held …
The 2025 calendar created by the Art & Textiles G…
AIKB was at the Youth Forum in Rostrenen yesterda…
The results of the AIKB Photo Club September chal…
the AIKB office will be closed all day on Wednesd…
We had our writer's group on Tuesday with a group…
The next AIKB A PIED walk will take place on Mond…
The second Health & Well-Being session is going t…
What's new on Spotlight on Brittany this October:…
Maria & Lesley went to the Association Lovebest y…
The Reading Group was re-started on 17th Septembe…
Yesterday's AIKB A PIED walk around the scenic La…
A HUGE THANK YOU to a lovely group of ladies from…